Tennis Coach Miami
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World Tennis is the official partner with the famous @Miami.TennisCoach.
World Tennis is the official partner with the famous @Miami.TennisCoach.
Isabela Miro was born and raised in Brazil. She grew up among champions, her mother, Gisele Miro, participated in the Olympics Games (tennis) in 1988. Isabela played D1 college tennis in the USA, she has traveled on the ATP Tour for 7 consecutive years with a tennis player who reached number 57 in the world, having participated in all major events and Grand Slams. With a strong personality and aspiration for personal growth, Isabela learned everything from the best players and coaches in the world. An outstanding career achievement at her young age. She is known for her beautiful one-hand-backhand and NEVER letting clients win a game!
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(305) 587-3338
5401 Collins Ave, Miami Beach
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